Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jace Roundy

Person who filled this out: Jace
Favorite color: Green
Favorite Food (Not in Training): Bronco Buster
Favorite Food (In Training):  Pineapple
Favorite Inspirational Quote: Dare to stand alone
Year in School: Jr.
Favorite Wrestling Move: Armbar/ Low Single
What motivates you to work hard: Success, self determination, feeling good, the fact that hard work pays off in the end, and to be like the great wrestlers that came before me at Cedar high like Dusty Hone, Cameron Williamson, and Kolby Lloyd. Wrestling is the sport that I truly love.
Favorite Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy
What are your Nicknames: Roundy, 3rd place Jace, Captain America.
Favorite College Wrestling Team: Stanford

What do you like to do in your free time: Hunt, run, four wheel, Text/snap chat the ladies, build with legos, organize my socks, and have fun with friends.

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